For thousands of years, a demonic force of evil has sent them to earth on a mission.
To inflict pestilence on our planet in the pursuit of power. To bring their own warped minds to a world which would be far better off without them.
To own land. To own power. To own people.
Dictators who historically—and thankfully, have gone to hell in a hand-cart.
Fast-forward a millennium to the metaverse.
A rebel trooper on routine recce uncovers an etherdrive. It contains the UN SecuriForce’s most-hated gallery of dictators. And with it the most astonishing theory to date:
are these monsters all spawned from the same evil being; reincarnated from that single, warp-minded mission?
One thing is without question: they still want to own you.
But you can join the rebels, turn the tables and own them. And in doing so, keep sending them to hell. Maybe not these days in a hand-cart but far, far away to hell, in a hard drive.